At FUJIWARA studio in 2024, we will inherit and develop “Realization of Local Community Area” which was the assignment at Riken Yamamoto studio in 2017. For the spring semester, we will consider the realization of local community areas through creative analysis of the ‘Streets’ in Yokohama.
“Local Community Area” is the different vision from the “1 house = 1 family” model.
In the “1 house = 1 family” model, houses end up becoming boxes to protect the privacy of the family or something which mechanically correspond to the function of living. No matter how many “1 house = 1 family” model houses gather, it will not lead to creating a community nor a city.
“Realization of Local Community Area” is to design creative architectures converting modern structure created from such houses and the process of urban formation led by the idea of such creative architectures.
Therefore, it is necessary to think about not only issues of space and architectural forms but also economic activities, industrial activities, cultural activities, ecological systems, landscapes, the architecture of social infrastructure at the same time. Social infrastructure is a system of energy, transportation, distribution, water and sewerage, care and nursing.
<Restrictions on assignment>
The site should be specified in Yokohama City. It does not matter whether the site is located in the downtown area, the suburbs, rural village or fishing village.
Please Realize Local Community Area in that specified site.
There is no restriction about the size of the building.
2023 autumn 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、砂越陽介(Yosuke Sagoshi)
「Post Industry」
参考図書 (Reference Books):
『コンテクスチュアリズム入門』(秋元馨著 彰国社)、『有形学へ』(吉阪隆正著)
The theme for Fujiwara Studio in 2023 autumn is thinking about the Future of City and Architecture through Industry. The influence of industry is so powerful that it creates not only the shape of the city, but also the lifestyle, culture, and even the spirituality of the people living there. Thus the prosperity of industry is closely related with the formation of the city.
For example, in YOKOHAMA city, a former fishing and farming village has developed with trading silks after opening a port. The urban area expanded along with the development of the port, and over time the downtown area and entertainment district developed as a hinterland of the industrial core. Then, under increasing demand from citizens for the separation of industrial and residential areas and the subsequent establishment of inland industrial business districts, the expansion of suburban residential districts has prevailed, and these have supported the industrial area at the same time.
The transition from heavy industry which have driven the Keihin District for a long time, the urban farming tenaciously surviving since the Edo period as a result of preserving of ‘farming area’ in the urban master plan.
By thinking through “city” and “architecture” based on “Industry”, we will creatively expand the scope of architecture, exploring the possibilities of architectural creation.
・Choose a specific location. Please try to choose a place showing signs of transition from industrial society.
・If possible, select a location related to the city of Yokohama, but other cities are also allowed.
・You are free to specify the project size and function.
・Your proposal should include suggestions for local lifestyle, and if possible include living arrangements.
・Takamasa Yoshizaka’s “Towards Material Science” is set as required reading for this studio.
2023 spring 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、玉田 誠(Makoto Tamada)
4,参考文献 藤岡泰寛編著『横浜防火帯建築を読み解く』 アルド・ロッシ『都市の建築』 平倉圭『かたちは思考する』
2023 Spring, FUJIWARA studio
Teppei Fujiwara、Makoto Tamada
「Re-interpretation YOKOHAMA Firebreak Architecture」
In 2023 Spring the theme of Fujiwara Studio is thinking about the Future of central city in YOKOHAMA through re-interpretation YOKOHAMA Firebreak Architecture.
After World War Ⅱ, Firebreak building belts were incorporated as part of urban planning in many Japanese cities that were damaged by the war. In YOKOHAMA, along with the delayed urban planning for reconstruction due to the requisition of land by the U.S. military, it was decided to carry out a disaster prevention plan through a special urban construction called “Firebreak Architecture” in which the public and private sectors cooperated.
“Firebreak Architecture” has made the formation of block type cities and it has formed the way of the central city where work, residence and commerce are integrated. Because of complicated ownership of property, Firebreak Architectures still survives. (It is a situation that has no choice but to remain.)
“Firebreak Architecture”is three-dimensional contemporary Machiya, and it is also considered as the practice to form urban morphology by repetition of architectural typology. There are currently 27 existing “Firebreak Architecture”. However, a lot of them have become deteriorated, and there is a possibility of dismantling, and the number is decreasing year by year.
In this studio, we will analyze the possibility of the Firebreak Architecture by re-interpretation method and draw the future possibility of the central city of YOKOHAMA in collaboration with the Fujioka Laboratory of Architectural Planning.
(Working on)
・Reading carefully scheme drawing, books and theses on Firebreak Architecture.
・Field Working (Surveying real “Firebreak Architecture” and interviewing the residents).
・Drawing and making a scale model of existing Firebreak Architecture.
・Thinking about a new vision of the region together with the space.
< Important points >
1, By re-interpretation methods, thinking about what the architecture and urban image that “Firebreak Architecture” has aimed.
2, Thinking concurrently with the analysis of cases in the world.
3, Presenting the image of urban housing and urban living that should be in the future.
4, References Books
Yasuhiro Fujioka (2020) “Deciphering Yokohama Firebreak Architecture”
Ald Rossi (1991). “L’architettura della citta”
Kei Hirakura (2019). ” How Figures Think”
2022 autumn藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、長柄芳紀(Yoshinori Nagara)
「Post Industry YOKOHAMA」
① 火曜日9時から12時を藤原+長柄エスキス
② 金曜日9時から12時を長柄エスキス
参考図書 (Reference Books):
『コンテクスチュアリズム入門』(秋元馨著 彰国社)、『有形学へ』(吉阪隆正著)
「Post Industry YOKOHAMA」
In 2022 the theme for Fujiwara Studio is thinking about the Future of YOKOHAMA through Industry.
The prosperity of industry is closely related with the formation of the city. The influence of industry is so powerful that it creates not only the shape of the city, but also the lifestyle, culture, and even the spirituality of the people living there.
In YOKOHAMA city the urban area expanded along with the development of the port, and over time the downtown area and entertainment district developed as a hinterland of the industrial core. Then, under increasing demand from citizens for the separation of industrial and residential areas and the subsequent establishment of inland industrial business districts, the expansion of suburban residential districts has prevailed.
In recent years, the existence of industry itself has changed significantly. In addition, from the viewpoint of the sustainability of local communities, we are beginning to envision a society that does not rely on simplified zoning methods.
By thinking through “environment”, “city” and “regional culture” based on “industry”, we will creatively expand the scope of architecture and attempt to change the way of the region through architecture. Exploring the possibilities of architectural creation.
Takamasa Yoshizaka’s “Towards Material Science” is set as required reading for this studio.
<Studio Schedule>
① Tuesday Esquisse (09:00-12:00) with Fujiwara with Nagara
② Friday Esquisse (09:00-12:00) with Nagara
・Choose a specific location. Please try to choose a place showing signs of transition from industrial society.
・If possible, select a location related to the city of Yokohama(can be viewed from a broader perspective, such as the central part of the prefecture, the Keihin industrial area, and the Miura Peninsula.)
・You are free to specify the project size and floor area.
・Your proposal should include suggestions for local lifestyle and living arrangements.
・Your proposal should include the analysis of, and suggestions for, local industries
・Make a research booklet based on the themes of “Industry and the City” and “Industry and the Environment” with reference to Yokohama.
2022 spring 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、石飛亮(Ryo Ishitobi)
4,参考文献 藤岡泰寛編著『横浜防火帯建築を読み解く』 アルド・ロッシ『都市の建築』
毎週火曜日 藤原・設計助手エスキス 9時半~12時00分
毎週金曜日 設計助手エスキス 13時~16時
2022 Spring, FUJIWARA studio
Teppei Fujiwara、Ryo Ishitobi
「Re-reading Yokohama Firebreak Architecture」
We think about the future of central city in Yokohama, by re-reading Yokohama Firebreak Architecture.
After World War Ⅱ,in a lot of urban areas in Japan were so damaged that Firebreak Architecture was begun to be introduced in urban planning.
Due to the delay of the urban planning by U.S. military requisition, people planned to introduce “Firebreak Architecture” in Yokohama. It was carried out by not only the government but also private sector. This process on urban planning in Yokohama was different from the other cities in this point.
“Firebreak Architecture” has brought the formation of block type city to Yokohama and it resulted in the fusion of workplace and residence.
Because of complicated ownership of property, many Firebreak Architectures (have no choice but) have remained as it is, while some of them have been renovated.
”Firebreak Architecture“ is three-dimensional contemporary Machiya, and it is also considered as the practice to form urban morphology by repetition of architectural typology.
Today 27 ”Firebreak Architecture“ still exist. However a lot of them have become deteriorated and would plan to bedemolished.
In this studio, we will research “Firebreak Architecture” and picture the future of central city in Yokohama by re-reading and collaborating with Fujioka Architecture Program lab.
(Working on)
・Reading carefully scheme drawing, books and theses on Firebreak Architecture.
・Field Working (Surveying real “Firebreak Architecture” and interviewing the residents).
・Drawing and making a scale model of existing Firebreak Architecture.
・Thinking about new vision of ares and space.
1, Thinking about what “Firebreak Architecture” was expected and what kind of architecture and city we should aim.
2, Thinking concurrently with the analysis of cases in the world.
3, Analyzing local master plan and actor network.
4, References Yasuhiro Fujioka (2020) “Deciphering Yokohama Firebreak Architecture”
Ald Rossi (1991) “L’architettura della citta”
Every Tuesday Fujiwara / Ishitobi Esquisse 9:30 – 12:00
Every Friday Ishitobi Esquisse 13:00 – 16:00
2021 秋学期 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio) 藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、佐藤敬(Kei Sato)
「Post Industry」
産業の隆盛は都市の成り立ちに深く関わる。道のパターンや街の構造を調べていくと、産業の関係性がそのまま都市 の内的構造となっていることに気づかされる。産業が持つ影響力は強烈で、地域の形だけでなく、生活や文化や精神 性までもつくっていく。また、産業は都市をつくるが、産業化は、都市の形を根本から破壊もする。 農業や林業や漁業などの一次産業は、土地の形質に大きくかかわり、私たちの生きる環境自体をつくってきた存在で ある。一次産業の構想は、そのまま環境の形を提案することでもある。
産業の有形・無形の財産を建築的にとらえる 産業がつくってきた有形・無形の財産を建築学ならではの視点でとらえてみる
地域の文脈自体を新しい産業の資源としてとらえる 地域の暮らしや景観を、未来社会のビジョンを内包する資源としてとらえてみる
土地の形質や都市基盤の形を産業的視点からとらえなおしてみる そもそも私たちの生きる環境自体が産業によってつくられてきたものであるという視点からとらえてみる
新しい産業の在り方を地域のビジョン、空間と共に考える 現代だからこそありえる新しい産業の在り方を地域のビジョンや、空間と共に考える
1,POST INDUSTRYの建築・都市とは、どのようなものか事例分析から議論していく (産業遺産、文化的景観、建築家の産業建築の事例、過去のYGSAワークショップ、過去のスタジオ提案などを分析) 2,産業/建築/都市について、各自の興味からリサーチを深める 3,地域マスタープランやアクターネットワーク分析に留まらず、空間的問題にも踏み込めるように意識をする 4,参考文献 吉阪隆正『有形学へ』
毎週火曜日 佐藤エスキス 12 : 30 – 15 : 30 毎週金曜日 藤原・佐藤エスキス 9 : 00 – 12 : 00
2021 Autumn, FUJIWARA studio Teppei Fujiwara、Kei Sato
「Post Industry」
At Fujiwara Studio in 2021, we will consider the future of industry / city / architecture. The prosperity of industry is deeply related to the formation of the city. Researching the patterns of roads and the structure of the city, we find that the industrial relationships are the internal structure of the city. The influence of industry is so strong, and it creates not only the shape of the region but also the lifestyle, culture and spirituality. In addition, industry creates cities, but sometimes industrialization also destroys the shape of cities. Primary industries such as agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are greatly involved in the characteristics of the land and have created the environment in which we live.The concept of the primary industry is also to propose the shape of the environment as it is.
<What I want you to work on>
Capture the tangible and intangible property of industry by architectural ways
Try to grasp the tangible and intangible property created by industry from the perspective unique to architecture
See the local context itself as a resource for new industries
Try to grasp the local life and landscape as a resource that contains the vision of the future society
Re-examine the characteristics of land and the shape of urban infrastructure from an industrial perspective
Try to think from the perspective that the environment in which we live was created by industry in the first place
Thinking about the new industry with the vision and space of the region
Thinking about the ideal way of a new industry with the vision of the region and the space in this age
<Ingenuity and precautions for advancing the studio this season>
1, We will discuss what Post Industry’s architecture and cities from case analysis.
(Analyzing industrial heritage, cultural landscapes, examples of industrial architecture, past YGSA workshops, past YGSA studio proposals, etc.)
2. Research on industry / architecture / city from your own interests
3. Be aware that you can step into spatial issues as well as regional master plans and actor network analysis.
4, References <Esquisse>
Every Tuesday Every Friday
Takamasa Yoshizaka “To Tangible Science “
Hiroko Edani “What has been questioned in 15 years of cultural landscapes”
Sato Esquisse 12 : 30 – 15 : 30 Fujiwara / Sato Esquisse 9 : 00 – 12 : 00
2021 spring 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio) 藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、松田彩加(Ayaka Matsuda)
「Post Industry」
2021 年度の藤原スタジオでは、産業/都市/建築のこれからの姿について考える。
産業の隆盛は都市の成り立ちに深く関わる。道のパターンや街の構造を調べていくと、産業の関係性がそのまま都市の内的構造と なっていることに気づかされる。産業が持つ影響力は強烈で、地域の形だけでなく、生活や文化や精神性までもつくっていく。ま た、産業は都市をつくるが、産業化は、都市の形を根本から破壊もする。 農業や林業や漁業などの一次産業は、土地の形質に大きくかかわり、私たちの生きる環境自体をつくってきた存在である。一次産 業の構想は、そのまま環境の形を提案することでもある。
1,POST INDUSTRY の建築・都市とは、どのようなものか事例分析から議論していく
(産業遺産、文化的景観、建築家の産業建築の事例、過去の YGSA ワークショップ、過去のスタジオ提案などを分析) 2,産業/建築/都市について、各自の興味からリサーチを深める 3,地域マスタープランやアクターネットワーク分析に留まらず、空間的問題にも踏み込めるように意識をする 4,参考文献 吉阪隆正『有形学へ』
毎週火曜日 藤原・松田エスキス 12時~15時30分 毎週金曜日 松田エスキス 13時~16時
2021 spring, FUJIWARA studio
Teppei Fujiwara、Ayaka Matsuda
「Post Industry」
At Fujiwara Studio in 2021, we will consider the future of industry / city / architecture. The prosperity of industry is deeply related to the formation of the city. Researching the patterns of roads and the structure of the city, we find that the industrial relationships are the internal structure of the city. The influence of industry is so strong, and it creates not only the shape of the region but also the lifestyle, culture and spirituality. In addition, industry creates cities, but sometimes industrialization also destroys the shape of cities. Primary industries such as agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are greatly involved in the characteristics of the land and have created the environment in which we live.The concept of the primary industry is also to propose the shape of the environment as it is.
<What I want you to work on>
Capture the tangible and intangible property of industry by architectural ways
Try to grasp the tangible and intangible property created by industry from the perspective unique to architecture
See the local context itself as a resource for new industries
Try to grasp the local life and landscape as a resource that contains the vision of the future society
Re-examine the characteristics of land and the shape of urban infrastructure from an industrial perspective
Try to think from the perspective that the environment in which we live was created by industry in the first place
Thinking about the new industry with the vision and space of the region
Thinking about the ideal way of a new industry with the vision of the region and the space in this age
<Ingenuity and precautions for advancing the studio this season>
1, We will discuss what Post Industry’s architecture and cities from case analysis.
(Analyzing industrial heritage, cultural landscapes, examples of industrial architecture, past YGSA workshops, past YGSA studio proposals, etc.)
2. Research on industry / architecture / city from your own interests
3. Be aware that you can step into spatial issues as well as regional master plans and actor network analysis.
4, References Takamasa Yoshizaka “To Tangible Science “
Every Tuesday Fujiwara / Matsuda Esquisse 12: 00-15: 30 Every Friday Matsuda Esquisse 13: 00-16: 00
2020 autumn 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio) 藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、武井良祐(Ryousuke Takei)
UNBUILT あるいは理論の再読
今期の藤原スタジオは再読課題方式とする。 再読課題では、明確な対象を持つ。対象は、建築であることもあるが、都市やその部分としての地域であることもある。参加する 学生は、その対象のもつ文脈・プログラム・空間の質などを可能な限り実地に訪れて体験して読み解く。 今回はコロナ禍でスタジオ運営を開始するにあたり、その「再読」方式を新しいかたちで適用する。再読する対象は、「UNBUILT」 の建築、あるいは建築都市理論を対象とする。すなわち、実現はしていないけれどもその後今に至るまで影響を与えた計画案、建 築都市理論を明確に対象化し、再読し、自身の理論的実験の場にする。
参考:2016香港大学 小嶋・城戸崎・藤原スタジオ「RE:READINGHONGKONGPEAK」 (小嶋さんの出題時テキストから)当時のコンペ作品集の類を読み解いてみれば明快にわかることだが、1982-1983 年の「Hong Kong Peak」「Park de la Villette」の2つのコンペに提案された、Zaha Hadid, OMA, Bernard Thumi の提案は、他と一線を画するものであった。この2つのコンペをきっか けに、建築のパラダイムシフトが起きたと過言ではない。Zaha Hadid の「Hong Kong Peak」案は、事務局が事前に没にした案の山のなかから、審査 委員長の磯崎新が拾い上げたという。コンペの要項では高低差のある敷地を3つのゾーンに分け、ゾーンごとに機能をまとめることが強く要望さ れていた。必然的にほとんどのコンペ案は3棟形式になっている。Zaha Hadid の提案は、要項のプログラムをいったん解体して、機能を水平なスラ ブの上に展開し、スラブの層が Peak のコンタにつきささっている。コンペの結果が発表されると、Zaha Hadid の圧倒的なドローイングとともに鮮 やかなプログラムの再構築が、我々に衝撃を与え、これが「時代を変えたコンペ」「時代を変えた建築」となることを予感させ、そしてその通りに なった。Hong Kong Peak はアンビルドに終わり、Zaha Hadid も今年、急逝した。いま、Zaha Hadid の Hong Kong Peak を再読する意味を考えるところ から、課題はスタートする。
ドローイング、図面中心の作業となるので、再読と並行してノーテーションについてのリサーチもグループで行う 5中間講評会 再読リサーチ+各自のプロジェクトへどう転換するかの考え、スケッチなどの各自工夫したドローイングで示す 6再びスタディ・エスキス
火曜日:藤原(て)エスキス/13 時からの予定 金曜日:武井エスキス/再読という方法を深めていく問題提起、事例紹介、リサーチ共有
<再読リサーチの対象> ミース・ファンデルローエ、ル・コルビュジェ、フランク・ロイド・ライト、オスカー・ニーマイヤー、ブルーノ・タウト、ハン
ス・シャロウン、シチュアショニスト、アーキグラム、セドリック・プライス、丹下健三、メタボリズム、アルド・ロッシ、クリ ストファー・アレクザンダー、ロバート・ヴェンチューリ、コーリン・ロウ、ケネス・フランプトン、ケヴィン・リンチ、OMA、 小嶋一浩
2020 Autumn Fujiwara Studio Teppei Fujiwara, Ryosuke Takei
Unbuilt or reread theory
Fujiwara Studio in this term will be reread task method.
The reread task has a clear target. The target may be architecture, but it can also be a city or region as part of it. Participating students will visit, experience and understand the quality of the subject’s context, program and space as much as possible.
This time, we will apply a new “REREAD” method when we start operating the studio in COVIT-19. The subject of the reread is the theory of architecture or architectural city of “UNBUILT”. In other words, the plan and the architectural city theory, which have not been realized but have influenced until now, are clearly targeted, reread, and used as a place for their own theoretical experiments.
Reference: 2016 Hong Kong University Kojima / Kidosaki / Fujiwara Studio “RE: READING HONG KONG PEAK”
(From the text when Mr. Kojima asked the question) As you can clearly see by reading the kind of competition works at that time, it was proposed to the two competitions “Hong Kong Peak” and “Park de la Villette” from 1982 to 1983. In addition, Zaha Hadid, OMA, and Bernard Thumi’s proposals set them apart.
It is no exaggeration to say that these two competitions have caused a paradigm shift in architecture. Zaha Hadid’s “Hong Kong Peak” proposal is said to have been taken up by Arata Isozaki, chairman of the jury, from a pile of proposals that the Secretariat died in advance. The competition guidelines urged that sites of different heights be divided into three zones and the functions of each zone be summarized. Inevitably, most competitive proposals come in the form of three buildings. Zaha Hadid’s proposal is to dismantle the essential program once, deploy the function on a horizontal slab, and the layer of slab is attached to the contour of Peak.
When the results of the competition were announced, Zaha Hadid’s overwhelming drawing and vibrant program restructuring shocked us, making it a “time-changing competition” and “time-changing architecture.” It made me feel, and it was true.
Hong Kong Peak has not been built and Zahahadid died this year. Now, the task begins with thinking about the implications of rereading The Hahadid’s Hong Kong Peak.
<How to proceed in the studio>
1 Research what to reread (research is conducted by a group of multiple people)
2 Search for architectural order and urban order from the objects to be reread. Or capture the ideas the architect tried to face
3 Develop from the theory and order that you have read, and decide on your own program and site.
4 Design / Esquis
Since the work will be centered on drawings, research on notation will be conducted as a group in parallel with rereading.
5 Interim review meeting
Reread research + Thinking about how to convert to your own project, showing with your own ingenious drawings such as sketches.
6Study,Esquis again
7Studio review
Tuesday: Fujiwara Esquis / Scheduled from 13:00
Friday: Takei Esquis / Rereading issue, case study, research sharing
<Target of reread research>
Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Oscar Niemeyer, Bruno Taut, Hans Henry Scharoun, Situationist International, Archigram, Cedric Price, Kenzo Tange, Metabolism, Aldo Rossi, Christopher Alexander, Robert Venturi, Colin Rowe, Kenneth Frampton, Kevin Lynch, OMA, Kazuhiro Kojima
2020 Spring 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio) 藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、藤原真名美(Manami Fujiwara)
UNBUILT あるいは<遠い場所>の再読
今期の藤原スタジオは再読課題方式とする。 再読課題では、明確な対象を持つ。対象は、建築であることもあるが、都市やその部分としての地域であること もある。参加する学生は、その対象のもつ文脈・プログラム・空間の質などを可能な限り実地に訪れて体験して 読み解く。今回はコロナ禍でスタジオ運営を開始するにあたり、その「再読」方式を新しいかたちで適用する。 再読する対象は、「UNBUILT」の建築、あるいは、現在地からたどり着けないような<遠い場所>を対象とする。 すなわち、実現はしていないけれども、その後今に至るまで影響を与えた計画案、あるいは行くことはできない けれど遠い場所から影響力を与えている場所を再読する。
参考:2016 香港大学 小嶋・城戶崎・藤原スタジオ「RE:READING HONG KONG PEAK」 (小嶋さんの出題時テキストから)当時のコンペ作品集の類を読み解いてみれば明快にわかることだが、1982- 1983 年の「Hong Kong Peak」「Park de la Villette」の2つのコンペに提案された、Zaha Hadid, OMA, Bernard Thumi の提案は、他と一線を画するものであった。この2つのコンペをきっかけに、建築のパラダイムシフトが起きた と過言ではない。Zaha Hadid の「Hong Kong Peak」案は、事務局が事前に没にした案の山のなかから、審査委員 ⻑の磯崎新が拾い上げたという。コンペの要項では高低差のある敷地を3つのゾーンに分け、ゾーンごとに機能 をまとめることが強く要望されていた。必然的にほとんどのコンペ案は3棟形式になっている。Zaha Hadid の提 案は、要項のプログラムをいったん解体して、機能を水平なスラブの上に展開し、スラブの層が Peak のコンタ につきささっている。コンペの結果が発表されると、Zaha Hadid の圧倒的なドローイングとともに鮮やかなプロ グラムの再構築が、我々に衝撃を与え、これが「時代を変えたコンペ」「時代を変えた建築」となることを予感さ せ、そしてその通りになった。Hong Kong Peak はアンビルドに終わり、Zaha Hadid も今年、急逝した。いま、 Zaha Hadid の Hong Kong Peak を再読する意味を考えるところから、課題はスタートする。
6 中間講評会 再読リサーチ+各自のプロジェクトへどう転換するかの考え、スケッチなどの各自工夫した
8 スタジオ講評会
火曜日:藤原(て)エスキス/春学期:第1タームは 10 時からスタジオ、第2タームは 13:30 から。 金曜日:藤原(ま)エスキス/再読という方法を深めていく問題提起、事例紹介、リサーチ共有
ザハ・ハディド「Hong Kong Peak」
OMA「Park de la Villette」
フランク・ロイド・ライト「ブロードエーカー・シティ」 アルヴァ・アアルト「セイナッツァロの都市計画」
ルイス・カーン+イサム・ノグチ「ニューヨーク リバーサイド・ドライブ・パーク・プレイグラウンド」 スイス・フリン村
2020 Spring 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio) 藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara), 藤原真名美(Manami Fujiwara)
This term’s Fujiwara studio is a re-reading assignment.
The re-reading assignment has a clear target. The object can be architecture, but it can also be a city or a region as a part of it. Students will visit and experience the context, program, and spatial quality of the subject as much as possible to read and understand it. This time, we will apply the “re- reading” method in a new way as we start the studio under the influence of Corona. The target of this re-reading is the architecture of UNBUILT, or a’DISTANT PLACE’ that cannot be reached from the present location. In other words, re-reading the proposed plans that have influenced you to this day, or the places that you can’t go but are making an impact from far away.
Reference: 2016 The University of Hong Kong (Kojima, Kidozaki and Fujiwara Studio ) “RE:READING HONG KONG PEAK”.
(From Kojima’s assignment text.)
A reading of the competitions of the time reveals the following: the proposals of Zaha Hadid, OMA and Bernard Tschumi for the two competitions “Hong Kong Peak” and “Park de la Villette” (1982- 1983) are distinct from the others. It would not be an exaggeration to say that these two competitions led to a paradigm shift in architecture. Zaha Hadid’s “Hong Kong Peak” was picked up by the chairman of the jury, Arata Isozaki, from among the ideas that the secretariat had discarded beforehand. In the competition requirements, there was a strong request to divide the elevated site into three zones and to integrate the functions of each zone. Inevitably, most competition proposals consist of three buildings. Zaha Hadid’s proposal is to dismantle the program of requirements and lay out the functions on a horizontal slab, with the slab layers attached to the Peak contours. When the results of the competition were announced, Zaha Hadid’s vivid reimagining of the program, along with her overwhelming drawings, shocked us. It also realized that this would be the “competition that changed the times” and “architecture that changed the times,” and it did. Hong Kong Peak ended up being unbuilt, and Zaha Hadid passed away suddenly this year. Now, the task starts with thinking about the meaning of re-reading Zaha Hadid’s Hong Kong Peak.
<How the studio works>
(1) Research the subject to be re-read (research should be done in groups of several people) (2) Discuss and decide how many re-reads to do in the studio
(3) Exploring the order of architecture and the order of the city from the object of re-reading. Or to capture the idea that the architect was trying to confront
(4) Develop the program and site from the theory and order you have read and understood
(5) Design and Esquisse
Since the work will be drawing-based, the group will reread and research notation as well.
(6) Mid-term critique: Rereading research + thinking about how to turn it into a project for each student. Demonstrate with sketches and other drawings of your own design
(7) Study Esquisse again.
(8) Final critique
〇Tuesday: Fujiwara (Te) Esquisse / Spring term: first term at 10 a.m. studio, second term at 1:30 p.m.
〇Friday: Eskis Fujiwara (Ma) Esquisse / Raising the issue of deepening the method of rereading, introducing cases, sharing research
<Subject of rereading research>
Zaha Hadid, “Hong Kong Peak”
OMA “Park de la Villette”
OMA “Library of the French Parliament Competition” SANNA “Salerno Urban Planning”
Frank Lloyd Wright, “Broadacre City”
Alva Aalto, “Urban Planning in Säynätsalo”
Masato Otaka, “Kawamotocho Moto-Honmachi Area Redevelopment Plan” Frank Lloyd Wright, “Thalia Sen”
Cedric Price, “Fun Palace”
Louis Kahn + Isamu Noguchi, “New York Riverside Drive Park Playground” village of Vrin, Switzerland
Fes, Morocco
Valparaiso, Chile
Lisbon, Portugal
Horiguchi Sutemi or Bruno Taut as a Rereading of Katsura Rikyu
Ryoji Suzuki, “Sequence to Utopia” Yoshisaka Takamasa, ” To Tangible Science”
2019 spring 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、原田雄次(Yuji Harada)
「Post Industry/地域社会圏化」
- リサーチ&ゼミ
- フィールドワーク
『コンテクスチュアリズム入門』(秋元馨著 彰国社)、『地域社会圏主義』(山本理顕著 LIXIL出版)、『エコミュージアムへの旅』(大原一興 鹿島出版会)、『デザイン・ウィズ・ネイチャー』(イアン・マクハーグ)、『動いている庭』(ジル・クレマン みすず書房)
2018 Autumn 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、廣岡周平(Shuhei Hirooka)
2018 Autumn Fujiwara studio
Teppei Fujiwara, Shuhei Hirooka
「Realization of Local community area」
At the Fujiwara studio in 2018, we will inherit and develop “Realization of Local community area” which was the assignment at Riken Yamamoto studio in 2017.
“Local community area” is conceived based on a different vision from “1 house = 1 family” model. In the “1 Housing = 1 Family” model, houses will be ”box=Mechanically responding to the function of living” to protect the privacy of the family. No matter how much each house of the self-contained “1 house = 1 family” model gathers, it will not lead to creating a community and no city
In the “Local community area”, we will consider architecture in parallel with economic approach. Think about how the new way of assembling region, city, neighborhood, residence will affect the flow and retention of people and things in the area.
” Realization of Local community area” is to design the process.
For that reason, we will not merely respond to the problems of space and architectural forms, but will properly capture the urban structure and environmental structure of the area and make proposals to commit to it. It is necessary to consider the architecture of industrial activities, cultural activities, ecology / landscape, social infrastructure together. Social infrastructure includes not only physical items such as energy, transportation, distribution, and water, but also software systems such as care, nursing, and distribution.
The site should be specified.
It does not matter whether the site is the downtown area or suburbs, a rural mountain village or a fishing village
Please Realize Local Community Area in that specified site.
There is no restriction about the size of the building.
We will have esquisse check every Tuesday and Friday.
(Basically Associate Professor Fujiwara will attend on Tuesday)
We are planning to have some interviews and esquisse with Mr. Toshiharu Naka during this semester.
<Must-reading books>
“Title” / Author / Publisher
“Introduction to Contextualism in Contemporary Architecture/Kaoru Akimoto/Shoukokusya
“Local Community Area Principles” / Riken Yamamoto, Toshiharu Naka etc. / LIXIL Publishing
“The Human Condition” / Hannah Arendt / Chikuma-shobo
2018 spring 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
藤原徹平(Teppei Fujiwara)、鍛治 瑞子(Mizuko Kaji)
2018 Spring FUJIWARA studio
Teppei Fujiwara / Mizuko Kaji
Realization of Local Community Area / The Boundary Surface in the Human Society
At FUJIWARA studio in 2018, we will inherit and develop “Realization of Local Community Area” which was the assignment at Riken Yamamoto studio in 2017.
“Local Community Area” is the different vision from the “1 house = 1 family” model.
In the “1 house = 1 family” model, houses end up becoming boxes to protect the privacy of the family or something which mechanically correspond to the function of living. No matter how many “1 house = 1 family” model houses gather, it will not lead to creating a community nor a city.
“Realization of Local Community Area” is to design creative architectures converting modern structure created from such houses and the process of urban formation led by the idea of such creative architectures.
Therefore, it is necessary to think about not only issues of space and architectural forms but also economic activities, industrial activities, cultural activities, ecological systems, landscapes, the architecture of social infrastructure at the same time. Social infrastructure is a system of energy, transportation, distribution, water and sewerage, care and nursing.
<Restrictions on assignment>
The site should be specified. It does not matter whether the site is located in the downtown area, the suburbs, rural village or fishing village.
Please Realize Local Community Area in that specified site.
There is no restriction about the size of the building.
We will have esquisse every Tuesday and Friday.
(Basically Associate Professor Fujiwara will attend on Tuesday)
We are planning to have some interviews and esquisse with Mr. Riken Yamamoto and Mr. Toshiharu Naka during this semester.
Reference books:
“Title” / Author / Publisher
“Local Community Area Principles” / Riken Yamamoto, Toshiharu Naka etc. / LIXIL Publishing
“The Boundary Surface in the Human Society” / Fumitaka Nishizawa / Kajima Institute Publishing
“Space of Authority, Authority of Space” / Riken Yamamoto / Kodansha
“The Human Condition” / Hannah Arendt / Chikuma-shobo
Students are required to take classes in Yokohama Architecture and Urban Studies.
2017 秋 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
都市のRE:CYCLE /地域を凝視し新しい循環に導く触媒のような建築を考える
2、藤原が横浜市と協働して今秋から立ちあげる「ローカル・ブランド・ラボ(仮)」(メンバー:藤原、藤岡先生、吉本さん、横浜市政策局、NPO法人横浜コミュニティデザイン・ラボ、NPO法人横浜プランナーズネットワーク、tomito architecture、ツバメアーキテクツ)に参加してもらいます。
2016 fall 藤原スタジオ(FUJIWARA studio)
「 post industry 」
2016 fall FUJIWARA studio
「 post industry 」
We want ask you to think about “Industry and City” or “Industry and Architecture” in this studio.
The growth of “Industry” is deeply related to the history of “city”. And each “Industry” has each specific strong character so that the lifestyle and the culture of the area is entirely involved in it. This means that the Industry affects the history of Architecture as well.
When we are trying to understand about “Industry” panoramically, we could say it is
・supported by the resources that “the land ” originally has , such as the mining, the farming, the fishing or the ceramics.
・supported by the geographical and infrastructural network such as the river or the road.
・supported by the people who live or work there.
・supported by the social policy such as the urban planning or regulation.
We expect you to start exploring and finding out these big structures which support “Industry” as basis.
Also, researching the decline, disappearance or change of “Industry”, we expect you to get some ideas about how the architecture and the programme should be for the industry.
For instance, the disappearance of the primary industries and the secondary industries from the urban areas could means the disappearance of the urban civilization. However, we can see some limitation of these industries themselves under the recent capitalism.
Then, how can we reinterpret these meanings and values of the “Industry”?
These will be one of the important theme in our studio.
Going through the study of “city” and “architecture” starting from “Industry”, we expect you to explore about what is “the lifestyle of region-specific” and what is the possibility of “architecture”.
・You can choose the type of the industry and the site.
・You can choose the size of project.
・You can propose very small project, but it should be deeply about “the lifestyle of region-specific” and ” industry”.
・The scale of the model should be enough to understand the proposal about the industry and lifestyle(more than 1:50, if possible )
・Proposal should include the view of the process or network of the Industry and lifestyle.
・Please provide the drawings which show the interest of lifestyle that would re-edit the lifestyle of region-specific.