
Maki Onishi Studio


“Architecture That Connects with the Time of the Land:
A Utopia of Our Time”

そこでは人間、動物、そして植物が調和の中に住まい、食べること、寝ること、働くこと、 学ぶこと、祈ること、子を育てること、老いること、病むこと、死と向き合うことがともにあり、 喜びや悲しみ、驚きや恐れ、安堵と快楽が、素晴らしいかたちで呼び起こされる場であることを想像しています。


Envision a utopia of our time.
I imagine a place where humans, animals, and plants live in harmony, where everyone eats, sleeps, works, raises children, grows old, gets sick, and faces death together, and where joy and sorrow, wonder and fear, relief and pleasure are evoked in wonderful ways.

Architects have attempted to envision utopia through architecture in various ways. To envision a utopia is to ask the question, “How should we live?” and present our ideas through architecture. This also means thinking about what kind of community the future society needs, the space that will surround it.
Let’s work together to envision a utopia for this age we are living in.

2023年度秋学期 プロジェクト紹介

2023年度秋学期課題 土地の時間とつながる建築