
横浜国立大学大学院 「都市イノベーション学府」では、博士課程前期・建築都市文化専攻に 「横浜国立大学大学院/建築都市スクール "Y-GSA"」 を設置しています。

Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture

"Y-GSA"constitutes the master's course in the Department of Architecture and Urban Culture of the Graduate School of Urban Innovation.




To Create architecture is
to create the future

Y-GSA is a place for learning where participants think and discuss freely with each other. Possibilities of architecture are yet to be explored. It is an infinite world that will continue to deepen and expand as far as our imagination will take us. There are myriad different ideas and thoughts about architecture, and all participants in Y-GSA will seek a specific direction that is unique to each one of them. Despite the differences in our views on architecture, however, I am convinced that we all share one thing in common: we believe in the power of architecture. With this shared belief, we can all work together to create this place as a vibrant, living entity. If you feel that there is potential in architecture, please join us.

Ryue Nishizawa

1 自分で課題を選択し、

これまでの日本の大学院では、学生は教員の研究室に所属していましたが、Y-GSAではスタジオという「場」に所属します。よって学生は教員や先輩の研究を引き継ぐのではなく、自らの興味に応じて課題を選択し、時に教育プログラム自体をともに作り、 探究を深め、建築理論をつくりあげていく自由で開かれた大学院です。 Y-GSAではこれからの都市と建築を考えるためのプログラムが、 毎年多様なかたちで企画され、 展開しています。

1 Diversified Learning That Allows Students to Select and Explore Subjects on Their Own

Until now, students in graduate schools of architecture in Japan have been affiliated with faculty members' laboratories, but at Y-GSA, students are assigned to a place called studio. In this open graduate school with a sense of freedom, students can choose their own subjects of interest, sometimes create educational programs together, explore further and develop architectural theories, rather than continuing the research of faculty members or senior students. Y-GSA organizes and conducts a variety of programs designed to explore the future of cities and architecture every year.

2 プロフェッサー・アーキテクトによる

建築都市スクール "Y-GSA" は、日本で唯一スタジオを中心とする教育制度を取り入れた、未来の建築家を育てる特別な大学院です。 博士課程前期の学生を対象に、 幅広い視野で社会を捉え、建築と都市を通して未来を切り開いていく思想を育む対話と実践の教育を行います。スタジオは4つ設置され、4人の建築家、西沢立衛、乾久美子、藤原徹平、 大西麻貴の教授陣を中心に組織されます。

2 Studio-based Education
Led by A Group of Prominent Architects

Y-GSA, the School of Architecture and Urbanism, is the only graduate school in Japan with a studio-based education system specially designed to nurture future architects. The school offers an education for master's students through dialogue and practice to foster a broad perspective on society and ideas that will open up the future through architecture and urbanism. The program is organized around four studios led by four architects: Ryue Nishizawa, Kumiko Inui, Teppei Fujiwara. and Maki Onishi.

3 建築から都市までつなぐ思想を育む、

Y-GSAは建築・都市教育拠点として、それぞれの学生が建築から都市までをつなぐ、幅広い視野の思想の構築を大切にしています。2年間の対話を通して、卒業後もそれぞれが立ち返ることのできる都市・建築思想の可能性をともに探ります。また、大学院そのものを学びの共同体と捉え、 学生と教員が一体となって運営し、 退任後の教員も継続的に関わり ながら、自ら場を生み出し、 応答しつつ互いに切磋琢磨する環境を目指しています。

3 A Learning Community That Fosters
hilosophies Connecting Architecture and Cities

As a base for architecture and urbanism education, Y-GSA believes it is important for each student to develop ideas that connect architecture and cities from a broader perspective. Through a two-year dialogue, we will explore together the potential of urban and architectural thinking to which each can go back to even after graduation. The graduate school itself is considered as a learning community. and students and faculty members work together to create an environment where they can create their own place, collaborate, interact, and learn from each other.